As part of the activities to celebrate the 2023 World Humanitarian Day, the National Emergency Management Agency (NEMA), has honoured its staff who died in the line of duty.
A statement by the director-general of NEMA, Mustapha Ahmed, said they took a pause to remember and celebrate NEMA’s humanitarian actors who lost their lives and those that have suffered injury and trauma in the line of duty.
He stated that it was on record that some NEMA staff had lost their lives and some were kidnapped while many others suffered tragic experiences while on active duty.
Part of the statement read: “On this auspicious day, I want to express my solidarity with the staff of NEMA, State Emergency Management Agencies (SEMAs), Local Emergency Management Committees (LEMCs), the Nigeria Red Cross, the International Red Cross and the Red Crescent, the numerous NEMA partners, the UN system and community volunteers working in various hotspots in Nigeria and across the world.
“There is no doubt that your commitment to giving succour to persons in distress has enabled us to collectively make our communities and the world a better place for us and the future generation of humanity to live in dignity, peace and prosperity.
“Despite all the difficulties and dangers faced as humanitarian workers, we must not give up on our commitment to deliver life-saving assistance to people in need #NoMatterWhat.”
The World Humanitarian Day is celebrated on August 19 every year in honour of aid workers who lost their lives, wandered or were attacked on duty.