1 Peter 2:2. New converts and old timers must not allow activities, day to day running of business, profession, or family to take them away from God’s word. You must desire the sincere milk of the word so that you can grow.
vs 9. You are a chosen generation. A church, not a sinful, depraved, selfish, self-centered nation, but a nation consecrated to God, a nation within a larger nation, a small circle within a bigger circle, an holy nation and a peculiar people. You must show forth His praise, having called you out of darkness into His marvelous light.
ch 1:3-5. There are inheritances reserved in heaven for all who are kept by the word of God, that is why it is very important to take in enough of the word of God.
vs 14-16. We will only be able to get to heaven when we are obedient to God’s word, and are holy, and peaceful with all men. Blessed are the pure in heart because they shall see God. The word of God is the food that makes us fit for holiness and prepares believers for eternal life in heaven.
Man is a composite being having body, soul and spirit. By our bodies, we are able to contact the world around us. Our eyes, ears, hands, feet, ourselves, every part are created so we can contact the world around us.
The soul is the part of us that feels sad, sorrowful, joyful. This is why the Psalmist said, why art thou cast down, o my soul because of the pain and rejection he felt at that time. It is the soul that helps us to feel different emotions and be conscious of our personality.
In our spirit we contact God, not by our hands or any part of the body. It is in our spirit we are conscious of the presence of God and the presence of the Holy Ghost. And He has made provisions for the health of all components of our being. Healing for spirit, soul and body.
3 John vs 2. It is the will of God for us to be healthy body, soul and spirit.
1. The Promised Healing for the Sick Body (Exodus 15:26; 23:25-26; Matthew 8:7-8,16-17; Mark 16:17-20)
Exodus 15:26
• And said, If thou wilt diligently hearken to the voice of the Lord thy God, and wilt do that which is right in his sight, and wilt give ear to his commandments, and keep all his statutes, I will put none of these diseases upon thee, which I have brought upon the Egyptians: for I am the Lord that healeth thee.
ch 23:25-26. You will not serve the devil, or idols, but the Lord your God and He will take sicknesses away from you. Nothing will cast your young and the number of your days you will fulfill.
Matthew 8:7-8. The Centurion told the Lord not to bother coming to His house but to speak the word only, and his servant will be healed, and that was exactly what happened. Jesus healed all who were sick so that the word of God might be fulfilled.
Mark 16:17-20
17 And these signs shall follow them that believe; In my name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues;
18 They shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover.
19 So then after the Lord had spoken unto them, he was received up into heaven, and sat on the right hand of God.
20 And they went forth, and preached every where, the Lord working with them, and confirming the word with signs following. Amen.
2. Peaceful Healing for a Sin-Sick Soul (Psalm 41:3-4; Psalm 6:2-4; Jeremiah 31:11-12; Luke 4:18)
Just as we bring the body to the Lord when it is sick, we also come to the Lord when the soul is troubled, hurt and traumatized. There is no peace for the wicked, and that the sin-sick soul will be healed. The sorrow in the soul paralyzes it.
Psalm 6:2-4. There are times when the soul needs deliverance and healing.
Jeremiah 31:11-12. When those who are stronger than you are making your life miserable and shooting arrows at you, and it’s like you cannot have peace, here is a promise from the Lord that He has redeemed Jacob and ransomed him from the hands of those who are stronger than he is. All those who are stronger than you are under your feet in Jesus name.
Luke 4:18. The sorrow of the heart is taken away. The Lord has been anointed to preach the gospel to the poor, and to heal the brokenhearted, not those who are sick physically, to preach deliverance to the captives and recovery of sight to the blind, and to set at liberty those who are bruised.
3. The Precious Healing of the Sickened Spirit (1 Samuel 1:15-18; Psalm 147:3-5; Hosea 14:4, 8-9; 3 John 1:2)
1 Samuel 1:15-18. Hannah was not sick in the body, but was of a sorrowful spirit. The priest declared that she should go in peace because her petition was granted. Then she was happy and her countenance was no more sad. I pray that the Lord will heal your soul and spirit. This is the inner healing which is as important as the bodily healing.
Psalm 147:3-5. You look at yourself as a composite being and if any part is injured, traumatized, sorrowful, disheartened and weighed down, you bring it to the Lord. As He heals your body, He will also heal your spirit and soul. God heals broken hearts, and bodies, He is great and of great power. He will heal you through and through.
Hosea 14:4,8-9. God promised to heal our backsliding. Every prodigal son or daughter He will welcome back home. He will shower His love upon them. There is all-round healing for all.
3 John 1:2
Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospereth.
How do we prosper if any part of the body is not in good health and in pain? If there is pain in any part of the body? If there is sorrow in the heart and heartache, if the wounded spirit is carrying a burden that is greater than its ability, if the wounded heart is in pain and the tears are flowing
You sleep and sleep well, not that you wake up to ease yourself and cannot sleep again and you are thinking and thinking. In the day you are not peaceful, same in the night. You may say that you are not sick or your legs are not broken. But you are not at peace in the night and day. That is why Jesus came to give you composite healing in your body, soul and spirit. Something happened in the day and guilt and condemnation will not allow you to sleep at night. This is why Jesus came, bringing perfect healing to you. You will be a beloved of the Lord. Your soul will prosper.
A prospered soul is the one who calls upon the name of the Lord and receives answers, and reads the word of God and receives understanding, revelation, and inspiration. When he asks from heaven, he receives, in the place of work/business, every door is open, there is favour and blessing of God flowing freely. His head does not lack ointment and his voice does not lack assurance and his heart does not lack the joy of the Lord. The Lord is with him at all times and then you can say that soul is prospered.
I pray that all the prosperity provided for your spirit, soul and body will be yours in Jesus name. Today, as you pray, God will answer. God will take sadness away and His joy will be your strength in Jesus name. You will be happy, healthy, holy and heavenly-minded. You will soon get there.
Rise and tell the Lord to provide for you all-round health in your spirit, soul and body.