Paul Okoye, known as Rudeboy, one half of the iconic Psquare duo, has stirred controversy once again by throwing shade at his twin brother, Peter Okoye, aka Mr. P, amid their ongoing family feud.
During an Instagram live session, Rudeboy dropped a bombshell, declaring that his relationship with Peter is officially dead. He emphasised that the days of one sibling working hard while the other reaps the rewards are over.
Paul did not hold back, stating that he was always the creative force behind their hits, while Peter benefitted from his efforts. He made it clear that he is done being the backbone of Psquare’s success and is now focusing solely on himself.
He said, “The new me ehn. Those days bamboo dey work, monkey don chop, I no dey do am again. I rather work for myself only. Only me dey sing all the songs.”
This bold statement sparked outrage among fans, who criticized Rudeboy for downplaying Peter’s contributions and undermining the legacy they built together. Many netizens expressed disappointment, questioning how the relationship between the once inseparable brothers deteriorated after their earlier reconciliation.