A renowned philanthropist and traditional titleholder of Sadaukin Bauchi, Dr. Abdulrahman Sade, has dismissed allegations regarding the award of a section of the Abuja-Kaduna road to a non-existent firm as baseless and unfounded. He said the allegation was meant to distract the minister of Works, Engr. David Umahi from his commitment to delivering quality service and transforming the nation’s road infrastructure.
Sade clarified that media reports alleging the project was awarded to a non-existent company were inaccurate, “The company handling the project is Infiouest International Limited, which complies with all legal requirements and regulations under the Company and Allied Matters Act. The confusion arose from a mix-up with the name of another company.”
Dr. Sade stated this while addressing journalists in Bauchi, and commended the minister’s track record, stating that Umahi, a two-term governor of Ebonyi State and former senator, is a seasoned politician and respected engineer who would never engage in substandard or questionable contracts.
He praised the minister’s integrity and urged Nigerians to support his vision for a better Nigeria, “He is the only minister who travels by car on abandoned and dilapidated roads to personally assess the state of these projects.”
The Bauchi-based politician added, “I have known Umahi for several years, and his records are there for all to see. He is one of the most performing ministers in this administration. This, I say with all sense of honesty and without fear of contradiction. His commitment to quality service delivery has earned him accolades from across the country.”
Dr. Sade cited Umahi’s prompt response to emergencies, such as flood-damaged federal roads, as evidence of his dedication.
Sade further highlighted Umahi’s efforts to tackle the backlog of over 2,600 federal road projects left by the previous administration, noting that the minister has consistently advocated for the adoption of concrete roads to save costs and ensure durability.
“Umahi has argued that the government could save up to N640 billion by constructing the Abuja-Kaduna-Zaria-Kano road with concrete instead of asphalt,” he said.
On the Lagos-Calabar Coastal Highway, Dr. Sade called for public support for the minister, stating, “Give Umahi the support and prayers, and he will surely deliver.”
He urged Nigerians, particularly the media and interest groups, to rally behind Umahi in his mission to transform the nation’s road infrastructure for the benefit of all.