He was expelled, and what he laboured for, they took it. What he labour for was transferred to another person. It is a tragedy when a power allowed you to work very hard, only for satanic transfer to happen.
A man build a house, every night voices were screaming at the roof. He went there, broke the roof down, nothing was found. The workers who worked there did not hear anything, so he had to leave the house. He went and build another house, all of a sudden there was a court action that ‘he had bought the land from the wrong person’. The court said, he should remove his house. He cannot remove the house so he lost it. He went to the third one, that one collapsed. There was something wrong, something is fighting his efforts, something is fighting his labour.
There are five persons the bible described, that left their land and went to foreign land. Joseph was one, Abraham too did. All of them did very well except Isaac. All laboured and enjoyed their labour.
Jacob laboured and brought back what he got to his father’s house. Joseph too laboured, he came into success at the age of 30 and died at the age of 110. Joseph had eighty strait years of enjoyment. Queen Esther was a slave girl, she too went to a foreign land, she became the first lady, the queen. She ended up at the age of 80 in the foreign land. Mordecai went to a foreign land and he became a prime minister in the foreign land. Daniel enter the land of Babylon at the age of 16 or 17, he became adviser to four kings. He was like a prime minister. Only the success of Isaac was short lived.
One great prayer everybody should pray with anger is what I’m going to call now. I will know those who loved their destiny as they pray this prayer. Can you raise your right hand toward the heavenly and shout it loud and clear. Powers, assigned to transfer my portion, die in the name of Jesus.”
Reuben had a portion, his portion was transferred to Judah. Esau had a portion, his portion was transferred to Jacob. Judas had a portion, his portion was transferred to Paul. You have tasted wealth before but, it did not last with you. Once you had it but, the enemy brought you low. Can you raise up your right hand and say . I’m rising again by the power in the blood of Jesus, I shall shine again by the power in the blood of Jesus
One thing I want you to know, is that, everyone here, the last chapter of your story has not been written.
“You shall rise again, you shall shine faster” Amen!
“Holy Ghost shall make you to rise again, in the name of Jesus. Amen!
All the wells of the father of Isaac were blocked by the Philistines. They reduced him from many wells to one. Those place where they were dug were practically a desert place. Digging well is hard work in that place. Sometimes you have to dig 250 thousand feet down. The ones he got from his father, they stop it. The one he dug they stop it. Another one they collected it. And after collecting the well, they said, they can see that God is with you. Now make a covenant with us that you will not fight us. Am praying, any power challenging your enlargement of coast shall die violently in the name of Jesus.”Amen!
Have your seat. Reduction from many things to one, has come upon Isaac. The spirit of reduction has entered. There are people that can say hen.. I use to have many account but now it remain only one. I use to have many shop but now it remain only one. I used to have many employee but now only one. Isaac now got to the well number four and called it Rehoboth.
On his own volition without anybody chasing him he left that one, and relocated Beersheba. Read your bible well, Isaac problem did not stop, he did not make progress, until he raised up an altar to God, like his father. Abraham raised three altars, Jacob raised three altars. Altar you raise represent your spirituality. Isaac was physically and spiritually weak.
Father Abraham was a fighter and a prophet. Jacob was a fighter and a prophet. Jacob even fought with God. That is why he had prophetic gifts given, to be able to transfered blessings without even opening his eyes to see. Jacob was a prophet and a seer. Isaac lived by feelings. Isaac dug well no 5, no 6 but, when he raised an altar to God his enemies came to negotiate. I’m praying for somebody here, Those who hate you will begin to negotiate peace with you, in the name of Jesus. Amen!
There is a story that I read. You may say this is wicked, but it is this spirit behind it. This man could not find a wife until he was 57. At 57 it was only a girl of 24 or 25 that agreed to marry him. And immediately they got married, at her first pregnancy she had twins. One year later she had another one, making three children within three years. One day the young lady was coming from the market. This is a man nobody wanted to marry o apart from this young girl. As she was coming from the market, all of a sudden, she saw her husband car, and she looked at inside. There is a lady by his side inside the car. She now began to follow them, she find out they packed in front of an hotel. She also parked her own far away. She gave them time to enter the hotel very well, and she now went inside, and began screaming, “this man that has just enter here now, I need to talk to him, his house is on fire, tell me where he is.” Ordinarily the hotel receptionist would not have show the room number of any that lodge there, but when they heard his house on fire, they took her there. When they entered the room, both him and the girlfriend he brought were half naked. When the man saw his wife he almost fainted. He prostrated and begged the wife. The wife did not say one word, she just walked out. She did something strange, demonic and cruel. I have never seen such wickedness before. This lady took the three children, went to the bridge, and threw all three to the water. “As old man, you have no one to marry you, I volunteered to marry you, and you are now messing around; go and start afresh.” The vain labour, the vain labour! The man die a miserable death. They threw the lady into life jail, she didn’t even look unhappy in the court.
I’m praying for somebody here this evening: “Every shame is removed from your feet in the name of Jesus. Amen!
Wherever you have been failing, you shall succeed Amen!
Wherever you are on the floor, you shall rise. Amen!
Every good thing you touch, shall prosper. Amen!
The anointing to succeed, shall come upon your life.”Amen!
God will move you from nowhere to somewhere. Amen!
God will move you from been a non entity, to a celebrity, in the name of Jesus Amen!
God will move you from been rejected, to been accepted, in the name of Jesus.Amen!
Where you have been frustrated, you will be celebrated, in the name of Jesus.. Amen!
Your generation shall hear your voice. Amen!
Every power trying to silence you…God will silence your silencer, in the name of Jesus. Amen!
You will moved from obscurity to popularity, in the name of Jesus. Amen!
Every spirit of vain labour, every power that has been stealing from you, they must return what they have stollen in the name of Jesus.. Amen!
All eyes closed now, in case you are here tonight and you are not yet born again. You have not yet surrender your life to Jesus Christ. Wherever you are, make this confession after me:
Father, in the name of Jesus, I come before you now, Lord Jesus come into my life, take control of my life in Jesus name.
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