A female-led syndicate of phone thieves, led by Shamsiyya Adamu, has been arraigned before the Chief Magistrate’s Court, Gyadi-Gyadi, in Kano State, on charges of criminal conspiracy, trespass, and theft, on Tuesday.
This was disclosed in a press release issued by the Kano State Police Public Relations Officer (PPRO), SP Abdullahi Haruna Kiyawa, on Tuesday, January 14, 2025.
According to the statement, four additional suspects linked to the syndicate—Fati Auwal, Kamal Sale, Usman Nasir, and Bashir Ibrahim—were also arrested for theft and receiving stolen property. 12 mobile phones were recovered from the suspects during investigations, which were still ongoing.
The command further revealed that 86 individuals have so far lodged complaints against the syndicate, underscoring the scale of its criminal activities.
LEADERSHIP reports that the syndicate, led by 19-year-old Shamsiyya Adamu, was arrested on Thursday, January 2, 2025, following months of public complaints about rampant mobile phone thefts in Kano metropolis.
Four other suspects were also arrested in connection with the crimes. They include Idris Yusuf, 23, a tricyclist who transported Shamsiyya to the crime scenes; Al’asan Dahiru, 24, who specialised in disposing off stolen items; Abdulmajid Haruna, 27, a buyer of stolen goods, from whom six mobile phones were recovered, and Salim Auwalu, 21, who swindled money from victims’ bank accounts.
Speaking on the arraignment, the statement quoted the State’s Commissioner of Police, CP Salman Dogo Garba, commending the residents of Kano State for their support and assured the public that efforts to recover more stolen items will continue.