Actress and Producer, Oyindamola Sanni, said she had no role models in the movie industry rather looked up to the greats of Nollywood, the likes of Kunle Afolayan, Femi Adebayo, Odunlade Adekola, and Funke Akindele.
These greats who started with acting before transitioning to the directing and producing of film gave her the roadmap to charting her own path in the industry.
Although she had a tough start balancing acting and full time education, she pulled through, while simultaneously navigating the challenges of the acting world such as sex for roles, the actress today has produced nine movies.
Reminiscing on her first movie production, which she described as the most memorable event of her life, Sanni said, “Althugh I had starred in a number of movies at the time, but as a young actor, being a producer and executive producer of a movie with living legends like Fathia Balogun and Yemi Solade was an achievement for me.”
Sanni spoke further on the importance of holding onto one’s faith and principles in the industry.
“While honing my skills as a newbie, I couldn’t take every role because there are some roles that are against my faith in Christ, and so rejecting some roles as an upcoming actress was a challenge but as the saying goes, ‘do you, and the world will adjust’.
“I kept pushing and enduring, looking at the goal ahead. I am thankful even though I am not yet where I want to be, but I am definitely far from where I started,” she said.