Excitement has mounted in the Naija Star Search television show as contestants are been paired up to battle it out at the musical stage. Many of the contestants have stood out as a result of the pairing.
he group phase of the competition which ended last week with the eviction of Thekhaleed and Esjay, heralding the pair battle between the contestants in the contemporary Naija songs genre. Likewise, the baton of eviction from the show exchanged hands from the audience to the judges as the music talent hunt show draws discovering the next Afromusic superstar.
Organized by StarTimes, with entertainment industry stalwarts Keke Ogungne, ID Cabasa and Asha Ganagali in tow, the Naija Star Search show grows fiercer as the weakest acts are either evicted or on probation each week. And so, every episode demands that contestants either puts up or booted off the stage.
By the end of the paired performances, Skyffy, eMzez, Denerio, TOMs, Jaydboy, and MB Dre were on probation; while four of them will be up for eviction come Sunday.
Popular singer Uwale Okoro, aka Essence made a guest appearance on the show ushering in Denerion and Skimzo to join her in performing one of her classic songs Facebook Love. Naija Star Search airs every Sundays by 8pm on StarTimes cable and StarTines ON Mobile app.