Text: Genesis 4:3-8; Job 2:4-6; Esther 3:5-6
The first anti-greatness power identified in the scriptures was Cain. Abel was heading towards greatness. He was silenced by domestic witchcraft. The situation is still true today about what Jesus said in Matthew which says ,”The enemies of a man shall be the members of his household”
It was the people of Samson that bound him and handed him over. Many people could not become great today because they have come from toxic backgrounds, a background where it is a taboo to prosper, a taboo to be great.
A lot of greatness has been buried under the shadow of polygamous witchcraft and siblings controversy and envious witchcraft.
I am praying for somebody here: the envious witchcraft, the envious enemies that still keep pursuing you, by the time you shout this sevenfold amen, they are buried alive, in the name of Jesus.
In many situations, by the time you remove the trouble of household wickedness, domestic witchcraft, 90 per cent of some people’s problems are gone.
If there is any strong man in your family saying “this is how far you can go, you cannot go further”, I silence that strong man in the name of Jesus! (A 21-fold Amen).
In Job 2:4-6, we see another anti-greatness power: evil reporters, evil observers. God told Satan “have you seen what Job is doing? He is doing a good job. Let us punish him to see whether he will remain strong”.
I am praying for those reading this article: any problem that you are facing now, whose agenda is to stop your greatness, with a sevenfold Amen, let that problem die, in the name of Jesus! (Another fourteen fold Amen).
Esther 3:5-6 shows enemies of greatness. Those that expect that you will serve them, you are not serving them. They expect you will bow down to their idols; you refuse to bow. They expect you will join a cult or their witchcraft coven, you did not join them.
The Bible says in Psalm 2: ; Why do the heathen rage and why do the people imagine a vain thing against the Lord? And say ‘let us take counsel together against the Lord, and let us break their bands asunder and cast away their cords from us’”.
There is spiritual wickedness in the heavenlies that is against people being great.
Powers saying no to your breakthroughs.Powers that have covenanted to resist you. Satanic immigration officers at the border of your promised land who mount satanic check points and fight against your angel of breakthroughs. Powers contending for your victory.Powers delegated to stagnate.
Others are powers that are sad to see you make progress. Your progress is their sadness. Powers bent on retaining you where you are, maintaining you in poverty. Evil angels on assignment against you to frustrate you. Powers of the night that manipulate breakthroughs through dreams.
I am praying for somebody reading this; if you have been dreaming of serving those who should serve you, you are dreaming of floating all over the place not knowing where you are going, you are dreaming of getting something but someone is stealing it from you, receive your deliverance now, in the name of Jesus.
Powers circulating your name for evil. Powers that are stealing good things from you.
Powers that confuse or mesmerise a person on days of examination or interviews. Powers that will push boyfriends, girlfriends, man friends, woman friends your way, from the dark kingdom. You will not know that they are sent to pull you down.
Powers that put negative aura around a person. People just do not like you. Your presence irritates them. Your presence causes them anger. We are going to pray tagerted prayers against those powers tonight.Powers that push away divine helpers.
Powers that make helpers to forget a person at the crucial moment.
Powers that swallow divine opportunities, and nullify favour.
Powers that strengthen household wickedness and envious witchcraft against you.
Powers that rage terribly when you are close to breakthroughs.
Powers rejoicing at your failure.
Powers removing names from profitable lists.Powers that will cause chaos whenever it is your turn to shine.
Ancestral powers that have made demoting covenants against your family line.