Amidst the ongoing criticism directed at the minister of the interior, Dr Olubunmi Tunji-Ojo, who was accused of using his position to secure a contract for his company, New Planet Project Limited, the National Civil Society Council of Nigeria (NCSCN), has called for restraint in rushing to judge the minister.
Tunji-Ojo is facing scrutiny following the controversy surrounding the minister of humanitarian affairs, Betta Edu’s alleged financial misappropriation. A leaked document revealed that New Planet Project Limited, a company founded by Tunji-Ojo, secured a N438 million consultancy contract from the ministry.
Tunji-Ojo denies any wrongdoing, asserting that he resigned his directorship in the company in February 2019 when elected as a lawmaker in the House of Representatives.
A communique issued at the end of a media briefing on Thursday in Abuja signed by the executive director,
NCSCN, Comrade Blessing Akinlosotu, said the minister’s involvement in fraud was doubtful, adding that in less than three months Tunji-Ojo had shown exemplary and tremendous work.
Akinlosotu said, “Today it is evident that the ministers can deliver on their mandates. The minister of interior has proven that there is hope in the present government.
“Regarding the case of the minister of interior and the affected company, there is clear evidence that the minister and his wife had resigned from the Board of Directors of the company and thereby ceased to control the company.”