Your car is more than just a ride, it also offers another significant benefit, the ability to make some extra cash. Even better, there are ways to use your car as a source of income with or without you behind the wheel.
Corporate Car Services (Uber/Bolt)
A corporate car service is a sure way to make money with your car. The movement of people from one place to the other is one action that almost everybody involves, and some would need the services of a car. Although there are public buses /taxis one can enter at cheaper rates, but most people prefer Corporate car for privacy, safety and time-saving. One good thing about corporate car services is you can be a full-time driver or do it as a side hustle. One settled fact is whichever you decide, money is made.
A Child Pick-Up Service
A Child pick-up service is one that requires you to pick up a child from school, rehearsal or any other designated location. In today’s world where parents are always busy with work and other engagements, they may need the service of one that can help pick their wards for a paid course. All needed for this job is a car and you are good to go.
Courier Service
Courier service refers to quick delivery of messages, packages, mails or any other. One fact about courier service is its security and tracking service. You can start up a courier service today by getting involved with clients that deliver goods or any other deliveries and start making some cool cash.
Moving Service
As people acquire properties such as furniture or need to move their belongings from one space to another they would need a service like this, if you have a large vehicle you can offer for service like this and get paid.
Car Rental Service
This service requires you to rent your car out, it could be for a day or a couple of days but this is dependent on your agreement with the person in need of the service. This is beneficial if you don’t always drive around in your car.
Airport Shuttle Service
It’s no doubt that people come from other countries every day and would need car services from the airport to their hotels or any other destination from the airport. Large vehicles will fit more for services as this might involve luggage or a larger group of persons.