The 2023 edition of the annual Directorate of Road Traffic Service (DRTS) Table Tennis Championship tagged ‘Director’s Cup’ has served off in full swing with David Job of the department of PTMS beating Mr. Tony Iweanya of Admin 11-9, 11-7, 9-11,11-9 in three straight sets to set the ball rolling for others competitors.
The annual championship, aimed at creating an avenue for officers of the Directorate of Road Traffic Services (DRTS) popularly known as ‘VIO’ to socialize and strengthen them physically and mentally for their official duties of effective patrols on roads and highway for routine checks and enforce compliance, was declared open by Director R1, Dr Abdullatif Bello.
Bello warned the participants to adhere strictly to the rules and regulations of the championship.
“We are happy with what we saw today. Many think that we can’t play games, all that we do is inspection, it’s far from that.
“We know how to play games like Table Tennis, even football, this is just the beginning. We have players that can do us and the nation proud, watch officers in action, we have them here,” he said.
The championship which coincided with Director R1 Abdullatif Bello’s one year in office was unprecedented as it witnessed various officers celebrating colleagues in the spirit of sportsmanship.