In an alarming incident on Tuesday in Umuahia, Abia State, some police personnel stormed ABN TV during a live programme, Youth Rendezvous, and arrested a guest, Udensi Donald. The programme was hosted by Grace Onyekachi.
In a statement on Wednesday, the station’s director, Ifeanyi Okali, said police officers entered the studio around 2:40 p.m. and apprehended Mr. Donald, stating that his brother, Uche Udensi, had filed a petition against him over a family dispute.
Despite pleas from station staff to allow the programme to conclude before arresting Mr. Donald, the police insisted on taking him away immediately.
Mr. Okali condemned the action as “provocative,” “overzealous,” and a clear violation of police protocol.
He further stated that upon contacting the Abia State Commissioner of Police, Kenechukwu Onwuemelie, some station staff were invited to the police headquarters. However, upon arrival, they encountered further harassment and intimidation, being denied access to the commissioner.
The incident reportedly resulted in damage to some of the station’s broadcast equipment, including laptops, cameras, and microphones.
Mr. Okali called for the replacement of the equipment and stressed the incident’s significance as an “attack on press freedom” and a violation of freedom of expression.
He demanded a formal apology from the Abia State Police Command, noting the lack of proper training among officers regarding responsible engagement with the public and media in a democratic society.
Spokesperson for the Abia State Police, Maureen Chinaka, confirmed the arrest of Mr. Donald but stated that further details would be released in an official statement soon, according to PREMIUM Times.
Okali’s statement, titled: ‘The Invasion Of ABN TV/Radio Station By Police in Umuahia Alarming’, read, “We are worried by the invasion of our broadcast station in Umuahia by officers of the Nigerian Police, Umuahia Area command in Abia State.
“At about 2:40pm on Tuesday, January 16, 2023, the policemen invaded our station during a live programme to arrest our guest, one Mr. Udensi Donald during a programme, Youth Rendezvous.
“The police claimed a senior brother of the guest, one Mr Uche Onwuka Udensi had written a petition against him over a family matter.
“Despite repeated plea by our staff to the officers to allow the programme come to an end before the guest could be arrested, they insisted whisking him away while the live programme was on.
“We find this very provocative and indeed an act of overzealousness by the officers who obviously acted in clear contravention of rule of engagement.
“It clearly also negates the enhanced police-civil relations which the Commissioner of Police, CP Kene Onwuemeile has consistently campaigned for.
“When the Director of the media organization who was in Aba for an assignment was informed of the development, he quickly reached out to the Commissioner of Police who immediately invited staff of ABN TV/Radio to properly brief him on what happened, officers on duty barricaded the door and harassed, intimidated and threatened to detain them.
“We also want to put on record, during the gestapo arrest, many of our broadcast equipment were fatally damaged, including a laptop, camera and microphones.
“We find this an attack on press freedom and most especially open violation of human right to expression, having taken place during a live broadcast where critical issues about youth development were being discussed.
“We demand an open apology from the Abia State Command of the Nigerian Police over this unprovoked attack in our studio.
“It has equally left us with huge financial losses following the damage of our equipment. We are also calling for the replacement of the affected tools.
“From all indications, the officers were not properly schooled on best approaches to relate with the civil populace in a democratic environment where the media plays a key role to enhance their relations with the generality of the society.”