You can actually earn money on the side owning a book club. This is by lending out books at a fee, and decide on how much to charge is the book is damaged by a customer or isn’t returned on time.
Here are tips to get started on hosting a book club full of potential customers :
- Determine What Type of Book Club You Want to Host
There are countless kinds of book clubs. Some book clubs are highly social, while others are seriously academic. Or perhaps you’re open to reading anything and everything. A theme can help you make all the other decisions about your book club!
2.Figure Out Who You Want to Invite
Whether you want to host a book club for just you and a friend or bring together a large group of people, it’s important to figure out who will come to your book club.
- Decide Where Your Book Club Will Meet
You know who you’re inviting or at least have an idea of how many people to expect. The next thing to consider is how you’ll meet. A book club doesn’t need to meet physically. Thanks to the Internet.
- If You’re Meeting in Person, Find Somewhere to Meet
If you want to host a book club that meets physically, consider how much space you’ll need. If it’s just yourself and one or two other people, your options are almost endless.
- Decide How You’ll Choose Books
You’ve figured out what kind of book club you want to host, who you’re going to invite and where you’re going to meet. It’s time for the big question: what books will you read? Remember thinking about the theme of your book club? That can really help narrow down options.
Set Up the Discussion
Thankfully, there are a number of wonderful resources available to help you guide your book club:
* LitLovers, opens a new window contains over 3,000 book discussion guides, generic questions and information about how to talk about books
* Reading Group Guides, opens a new window has over 4,000 discussion guides with reviews and questions
* GoodReads, opens a new window is an invaluable source of book reviews and book discussions
- Don’t Forget the Logistics
In the fun of starting a book club, it can be easy to forget some of the little details, but they can make or break it. Things like how often your book club will meet, what time you’ll meet and how you’ll communicate all of that and more with your book club members between meetings are all important considerations. Email, social media, texting and even a phone chain are all valid options. Just make sure to choose one or you might find yourself hosting a book club that no one knows about, and that’s no fun at all.
By Cassidy Munro
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