In an unexpected twist, the organisers of Nigeria’s biggest reality TV show, Big Brother Naija, have returned former participants in the show as Housemates for the latest All-Stars edition, which begun on Sunday night.
The new Housemates had participated in previous editions of the reality TV show.
The first housemate to be unveiled was CeeC – a lawyer by training. She was followed by another former housemate, Kiddwaya.
The third Housemate to be introduced was Doyin, who was followed by Frodd.
Other Housemates include; Uriel, Pere, Princess, Soma, Angel, Neo, Alex, Seyi Awolowo, Ilebaye, Ike, Venita, Adekunle, Tolanibaj, Cross, Mercy Ike, and Whitemoney.
The last two Housemates to be introduced – Mercy Ike and Whitemoney – are past winners of the show during the ‘Pepper Dem’ and ‘Shine Ya Eye’ editions respectively.
Save for further twists in the coming days of the show, the All-Star edition or Season 8 has former participants in the previous editons of the reality TV show as Housemates, hence it’s code-named All-Stars edition.
The eventual winner of the reality TV show, which will climax on Sunday, October 1, 2023, will go home with a cash prize of N120million, among others.