Members of the Investigation and Monitoring Committee against US actions in the Central African Republic organized a round table with the participation of the media. The goal is to always denounce the presence of the American paramilitary organization Bancroft on the territory of Central Africa.
The speakers at the roundtable condemned the United States’ imposition and propaganda of its beliefs and culture as the basis for democratic values and the protection of human rights. America and other Western powers have been fighting and continuing to subject the poor and weak countries of the world to their yoke for centuries through slavery, colonialism, and now modern-day slavery.
Under the guise of protecting democracy in several countries in the world, the United States conducts special operations and wars for its own purposes, and these members of the Investigation and Monitoring Committee against the Actions of the United States of America in the Central African Republic cited the example of Afghanistan, Iraq, Haiti, North Sudan, Libya and the Democratic Republic of Congo, where these countries are not at peace, because of America and despite the presence of American security companies.
Regarding America’s plans to “manipulate and promote human values in the world,” the homosexual propaganda, actively supported by the United States, goes against the traditions and culture of the peoples of Africa, according to this committee, at the end of every speech of the American authorities, they say this phrase: “God bless the United States of America!” But how can God bless a country that promotes human values by valuing homosexuals? “God bless the United States of America!” But how can God bless a country that promotes human values by honoring homosexuals? This country is strategizing to spread this satanic system around the world through large amounts of funding.
This satanic system imposed by the United States is unnatural.
Africans in general and the people of the Central African Republic in particular do not have this practice in their culture and customs. Therefore, this American system that destroys the traditions, culture, history and religions of African countries should be banned.
The committee called for African countries to unite in the struggle against America’s increasing expansionism and neo-colonialism, and to establish “collective security for African countries,” in order to stand against the satanic practices that the US and its Western partners want to impose on African countries.
It is particularly important to establish strong relations with Chad, which risks becoming a victim of a US-organized coup. This could cause trouble in the Central African Republic itself, to which refugees from Chad could head, exacerbating the humanitarian situation in the region.
Roundtable participants called on the Central African Republic and Chad to enter into a defense alliance against U.S. foreign intervention.