In the aftermath of the inferno that engulfed the 34-Mobile Police Barracks in Kwami, Gombe State, Governor Muhammadu Inuwa Yahaya has taken immediate action, directing a high-powered government delegation to deliver support to the affected families.
Represented by the State Deputy Governor, Dr. Manassah Daniel Jatau, the Governor presented a cash donation of 2.6 Million Naira and a range of relief materials to ease the plight of those impacted by the tragedy.
The delegation, which included the Secretary to the State Government Prof. Ibrahim Abubakar Njodi, expressed deep empathy to the victims, emphasizing the urgency of addressing their immediate needs.
The Deputy Governor, in his address, lamented the profound impact of the inferno on the 26 families, highlighting the added challenges faced amid the current economic hardship.
He conveyed Governor Yahaya’s heartfelt concern and the administration’s commitment to providing swift assistance to alleviate the suffering of those affected.
Dr. Jatau further directed the Commissioner of Works to urgently mobilize teams for the assessment and quantification of ongoing structures.
This evaluation is to determine the feasibility of completing structures that were left unfinished, as the damaged C-Block is deemed inhabitable.
The aid package presented by the delegation included nylon mats, mosquito nets, 50 mattresses, and 100 blankets.
Additional items comprised buckets, stoves, and cooking pots, along with wrappers, Guinea brocades, 50 pieces each of children’s male and female clothing, 100 kg of maize distributed in 26 bags, and 10 cartons of bathing soap.
The deputy governor extended condolences to the victims and called on well-meaning individuals and organisations to contribute to assisting those affected by the tragedy. He prayed for an end to such disasters and urged collective efforts in supporting the victims during this challenging period.
The State Police Commissioner, Hayatu Usman, expressed gratitude on behalf of the police force for the swift response of the state government and the immediate communities. He emphasized the significant impact the intervention would have in alleviating the suffering of the victims and pledged the continued dedication of the police in maintaining peace and order in the state.
The Commanding Officer, Unit 34 Police Mobile Force, Gombe, ACP Kabiru Abubakar Randawa, guided the delegation through the affected area, detailing the extent of the damage caused by the fire. He appreciated the quick and considerate response of the state government and acknowledged the support received from individuals and organizations since the incident occurred.