Effective communication safeguards patients against damage caused by misconceptions. While communication breakdowns that result in significant injury — such as the wrong procedure implemented — are very uncommon, even tiny lapses can have serious consequences. For instance, communication breakdowns among colleagues might result in medical professionals administering the incorrect medicine, or patients receiving the improper dose of the correct drug.
It is essential to note that, according to a Harvard study, poor communication in healthcare costs more than $1.7 billion annually, and over 2000 lives. This is one of the most critical healthcare segments and is often overlooked in practice. Poor communication can result in poor adherence to medication regimens, more clinic visits than necessary, patient-medical worker disagreements, and, eventually, legal issues. Over 7,000 annual lawsuits in healthcare are in some way connected to miscommunication.
Improving emotional intelligence with medical workers and their communication skills is key to sustaining a successful practice, according to Dr. Katie To. Her work at Dr. Katie To Center for Integrative Wellness and Cosmetic Dentistry includes educating dental professionals and patients to communicate effectively.
Dr. To believes that functional and efficient communication has various effects, such as an increase in patient happiness, a decrease in complaints, an increase in patient’s trust levels, better satisfaction levels, and an overall decrease of stress at the workplace.
In general, Dr. Katie To points out that the average patient is less likely to recall the exact dental intervention than they are to remember quality communication and a good personal connection with health professionals. She explains that they often use these extraordinarily subjective and personal indicators to assess the quality of the provided service.
Additionally, patients are willing to place a higher premium on dental health providers who communicate effectively. This increases the likelihood of continued treatment regimens or paid consultative advice sought.
On the other hand, maintenance is more vital than implementing a precise dental technique since it provides a more long-term solution. Communicating that with her patients is Dr. To’s number one goal. She constantly addresses her patients from the perspective of prevention rather than immediately focusing on the frightening and painful dental procedures they may undertake. After the conversation is over, then the solution is provided. “We want to help our patients get healthier in the long-term,” says Dr. Katie To. “They need to know how much you care.”